Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Today's Mantra.

I'm in the middle of trying to get back into shape. I mentioned a little about cross fit, but I've also started to ramp up my running again. Today is no excuse.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Trip.

This weekend was pleasantly, eventful. We sent off our friend, Tommy, back to Afghanistan, celebrated another friend's 30th birthday, helped out with my niece's 5th birthday, had dinner with my parents, went to church and a golf tournament, and ended our weekend with dinner and drinks on a patio with some good friends. Overall, a nice well rounded weekend.

We also decided this weekend, instead of a typical beach trip this summer, we are going to trek out west. We're thinking Yellowstone and Teton National Park with possibly some unplanned stops along the way. It should be exciting and wallet friendly.


Thursday, June 7, 2012


This morning I'm having a flood of emotions. One of my dear friends has been battling several mental disorders, and I found out last night that she had an episode Tuesday night and is now at a local mental institution. I feel like this disease is slowly deteriorating a strong, independent-minded, beautiful woman. It's so unfair for her, to have to battle such a controlling disorder and with each episode it takes a little bit more of her. Right now, it's hard to feel optimistic because it is a roller coaster of a problem. You'll think she's pulling it back together and she's doing "good" and then it all falls apart instantly. I have adjusted to my "new" friend, because I know she will never be the same. She knows she'll never be the same. It's just hard to understand the disease. You think you've got it down, and then BAM it jumps to another level. It's hard to know how to help her because it's her disease, it's her mind betraying her. It scares me.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."     -John 14:27


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Told Ya.

Frequently, I will have a good week of posting and then fall of the face of the blog-planet. It's just bound to happen. So for a quick update.

Early May, we traveled to Boston and it was by far one of my favorite vacations.
Work has turned into a tornado of activity, which is good.
We have, successfully, earned a fair amount of money in our savings account.
On that same note, we have successfully followed our budget for about a month and a half. Baby steps.
Memorial Day, we went to Lake Oauchita (near Hot Springs, AR) with some friends.
Monday, I started Crossfit, which is amazing. 
Last night we celebrated my sweet niece's 5th Birthday with HH (Holiday Ham) and cake. Ya'll she's 5. Insane.
Today, is my second night of crossfit and Halley is coming over after to hang out with us. 

So, now that you're successfully caught up. I promise to try and keep up the posts. 



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Real Quick Like.

Ok so, somehow, a few weeks blew by, but don't worry. Here's a recap.

I went Orlando for one of my college roommate's wedding. I was able to stay with a friend which is always loads of fun. Friday, we hit up happy hour at this awesome wine bar called TAPS after getting our nails done. From there, we went to Shipyard Brew Pub where I had a lobster flat bread. Saturday, we did some mall shopping and more eating. Matt & Lacy took me to this local place they love called Yellow Dog Eats where I had the Classic Mexican Mutt, though the Memphian in me was oh so tempted to try some of their BBQ. I really should have taken some pictures of all the yummy food. Then we went to Ann's wedding which was set outside on a lake. Her theme for the wedding was Charleston (I believe that's where they got engaged) and I think this venue was spot on. The sunset was gorgeous and so was the open bar. Lacy and I may have gotten in a little trouble with Matt later on but all-in-all it was a good time.

Then I came home and this happened...

...lots of snuggles. I feels good to be missed. She loves my arm pit. It smells like roses.

Then there was Cinco de Mayo, the Grizzlies, and MIM. I have no picture evidence, but drinking, friends, and good times were involved. I promise.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Zucchini Fries.

We got cable. Then, the world stopped for a second. I haven't had cable for a little over three years, until last Friday. I could explain but I don't want to ruin a good thing. Any who, cable has reintroduced the Food Network into our lives and on one particular show they made french fries. Yummy, garlic butter french fries. Well, we don't have any potatoes in the house, but we did have some on-the-verge of dying zucchinis, so from this stemmed a brilliant idea. Zucchini Fries. I know I'm not the first to think of this, thank goodness, because I'm a recipe kinda gal, so I took this recipe and used my vintage french fry cutter and made the above. Now, those are not my fries, but mine looked identical. Add a little dipping ranch, and we have a new husband approved, healthy side. Amen.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Tomato Babies.

These little babies are the newest members of the Wells clan. We have three tomato plants, one of which is already producing 'maters. These tomatoes have already sufficiently survived our roller coaster spring weather.
